Table Meeting Notes (12/16/22)

Dec 16, 2022 @ 12pm (Hybrid)


  1. Welcome & introductions

    1. Attendees: Jasmine/Sergio (ACLU), Sherri (PLAC), Nichole (CAIR), Bailey/Lauren (RFBO), Amy (GC), Jenni/Dakota (918 Votes), Andy (LFT)

  2. Plans & Notes for 2023

    1. BillTrack50 available to all Table members 

      1. User accounts - unlimited users, but let me know if your org has a specific person who tracks legislation

      2. Creation of Legislator scorecards 

      3. Upcoming BT50 Trainings

        1. Monday, December 19, 9-10am: Register here

        2. Thursday, January 12, 12-1pm: Register here

  3. Updates

    1. LWV will be distributing voter guide during MLK Parade on Jan 16

    2. CAIR will be doing door knocking around municipal candidate races

    3. 918 Vote - Tulsa school board races being naitonalized

    4. SQ820 campaign needs GOTV help. Currently seeking personal testimonies, esp from POC & those who have been previously incarcerated due to marijuana. Russell Griffin is Field Director for the campaign. 

    5. Open Primaries effort is building. OK United & OK Academy taking lead; hope to have more information soon. Need help educating the public.

  4. Legislative Update - what’s being pushed & wha’ts expected

    1. Housing - hoping for changes landlord/tenant laws, incl. adding air condition as requirement, adding anti-retaliation clauses

    2. Education: Vouchers will be pushed, no doubt. Exact form still unsure. Censorship bills expected. Teacher shortage hitting record numbers again.

    3. Anti-trans legislation already being filed. 

    4. Tax cut expected. Grocery tax conversation coming back

    5. There is a coalition growing to protect ballot initiative process.

  5. Upcoming Table meetings

    1. We will continue with baseline 2x/month during session and then 1x/month thereafter. Additional, ad-hoc meetings will be scheduled as needed. Plan is to meet in-person in OKC w/ hybrid option. Andy will send out calendar invites soon.

  6. OCET Membership Renewals. Andy will send out invoices for 2023 in January.

  7. Announcements

  8. Adjourn


Table Meeting Notes (10/14/22)